VamTam Drag and Drop Editor includes 26 elements:


1. Accordion


Adding panes, changing the name of the pane and adding content into the panes is done when the accordion element is toggled.



2. Blank Space


You can increase or decrease the space between elements using this shortcode.




3. Blog


Please note that this element shows already created blog posts. To create one go to the Posts tab in the WordPress main navigation menu on the left - add new. You do not have to go to Settings - Reading to set the blog listing page.




4. Box with a Link


You can set a link, background color and hover color to a section of the website and place your content there.




5. Call Out Box


You can place the call out box into а column - color box elemnent in order to have background color.




6. Column - Color Box


Once inserted into the editor you can change its width using +/- icons on the left.
You can insert any element into by draging and dropping it onto the box. 
You can drag and drop column into column for complex layouts.
You can move any element outside of the column by drag and drop.
You can set color/image background on any column.


7. Contact Form 7


Please note that the theme uses the Contact Form 7 plugin for building forms and its option panel is found in the WordPress navigation menu on the left.

To insert a contact form, first you have to create it.





8. Contact Info


You have 11 fields:

Name, Position, Link, Email, Phone, Picture URL, Google +, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube



9. Divider


Three types are available: 

Divider line 1 pxDivider double linesDivider line 3 px.

10. Expandable Box


You have open and closed states of the box and you can set different content and background of each state.




11. Flickr


This element is useful if you have a Flickr account. Use idGettr if you don't know your ID.

12. Google Maps


In order to enable Google Map you need:
Insert the Google Map element into the editor, open its option panel by clicking on the icon- edit on the right of the element and fill in all fields necessary.

13. IFrame


You can embed a website using this element. Fill in the URL of the page you want to display in the Source field. Please note that the link should be in this format - Set the Width and Height values and that's it.


14. RevolutionSlider


Please note that the theme uses Revolution Slider and its option panel is found in the WordPress navigation menu on the left. This element inserts already created slider into the page/post body. If you need to activate the slider in the Header, then you will need the option - "Page Slider" found below the editor.




15. Portfolio


Please note that this element shows already created portfolio posts. To create one go to the Portfolios tab in the WordPress main navigation menu on the left - Add New.


16. Price Box


You have 9 fields:

Title, Price, Currency, Duration, Summary, Description, Button Text, Button Link, Featured



17. Progress Indicator


You can choose from % indicator or animated number.



18. Service Box


Please note that the service box may not work properly in one half to full width layouts. 

The settings of this element are: Style, Icon, Icon colour, Icon background, Image, Title, Description. 



19. Sitemap


This element has the following settings: 

General, Post and Portfolios, Categories


20. Tabs


Change to vertical or horizontal tabs from the element option panel. Add an icon by clicking on the "pencil" icon next to the pane title. Adding tabs, changing the name of the tab and adding content into the tabs is done when the tab element is toggled.


21. Team Member


You have 11 fields:

Name, Position, Link, Email, Phone, Picture URL, Google +, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube



22. Testimonials


Please note that this element shows already created testimonials. To create one go to Testimonials tab in the WordPress main navigation menu on the left - Add new.

You can choose between Slider or Static Layout. You can set if the Slider will rotate automatically.


23. Text Divider


Two types are available: Title in the middle, Title above divider. Also fill the Text field in.



24. Text/Image Block


Please note that you can style your text with the help of the VamTam shortcodes found in the editor icon board at the top. Look for the V button. 
You can insert an image by the button -Add Media- found above the editor when you open the element option panel.
You can toggle the element and insert plane text if you are in a rush.

25. Countdown

This element allows you to insert a countdown in your pages/posts. You have to fill Date and time, "Finished" text, Description text and Title (optional)

26. Twitter Timeline


Twitter Timeline is one of the themes functionalities. It comes with four settings to set up: Type, Username or Search Terms, Number of Tweets, Title (optional)