In order to edit/remove the phone number and text in the Top Bar Area, please follow the steps below:
Step 1:
Please go to VamTam > Layout > Header > Top Bar Area
If you need to add social icons that not pre-built, we recommend using the "Text" layout instead of the one with social icons, and then putting the relevant [icon] shortcodes inside. You can use the page editor to generate the shortcodes: How to use shortcodes
Step 2:
Please copy the original demo's code and paste it into the "Text" tab of a post/page text editor:
Here's the original code:
[column width="1/2"]
CALL US: <a href="/contact-us/"><strong>715.387.5006</strong></a>
[column width="1/2" last="true"]
<div class="text-align: right"><span style="vertical-align: top;"><a href="#">[icon name="theme-bubbles" style="" color="accent3" size="16" ] REQUEST A FREE CONSULTATION →</a>
<a class="wpv-overlay-search-trigger" href="#">[icon name="search1" style="" color="accent3" size="16" ]</a></span></div>
Step 4: