Please check the detailed instructions below for how to edit the layout, query, and content of the Living Room Collection, Best Sellers and Fresh On Stories loop carousel/grid.





The Loop Builder enables you to create and design the main item for repeating content (i.e. loops), such as listings, and customize its layout on the page.



The Living Room Collection loop carousel contains the template Collections Loop:



How to edit the main item template of the Collections Loop?



Click on the Edit Template:




Or you can easily access the Collections template under Toolbar > Edit with Elementor > Collections Loop:




The main item template usually contains widgets with dynamic tags (, so they pull the individual content of each post/page.

As you can see in the example below, the template content is also dynamic, i.e. the posts' content:



How to edit the Collections Loop template's query?


Edit the page with Elementor > Open the Query tab of the Loop Carousel, and edit the source, order, etc. 





How to edit the Collections Loop individual page information?




You can easily access the Collections Loop individual pages under Toolbar > Edit with Elementor > Living room Collection, etc.:


Or, go to Dashboard > Pages > locate each collection page and edit it with Elementor:









You can repeat the same steps for the Best Sellers loop carousel and Fresh On Stories loop grid.